Be Your Own Hero

 Be your own Hero

Hey there!  Thanks for taking a minute to check this out.  I’m trying something new, well, something ELSE new I suppose.  I’ve never really been a writer, and never thought I’d start a blog, yet here we are.  Surprise!

I’ve got some friends and mentors who utilize a blog to document life and share experiences, and I really enjoy following those, so I thought “why not give it a go?”.  My intention here…just share the real stuff.  I’m going to write the way I talk (sorry English majors, you’ll find out real quick I was never one of you!) And just share what I’m feeling at the time I sit down in front of this laptop.

That brings us to today.  Why “Be your own Hero”?  Well, that’s what’s on my mind today.  Some of you know most or all of my story, maybe some of you don’t know a single thing about me yet.  I could have started this blog series (we’ll see if it ends up a series.  This is 1 of 1 after all!) With childhood, or anything at all about my life that happened before the here and now.  Maybe I’ll go back now and again in future blogs, but for now we’re getting into the here and now.

Recently I started to develop the be your own hero mantra in my head after having more than one coach tell me “It’s up to you, no one is coming to save you”.  My business, my personal life, and my health, I heard this on every front.  Someone at the time said something along the lines of first responders being heroes and although it was in a different context, I put the two together.  I never saw myself as a hero while I was on the job.  No self respecting fireman would.  We are there to serve, selflessly.  I suppose I can connect the dots in the public eye how that selfless service leads to “hero” depending upon the context.  Nevertheless, the combination of these things coming together led me to “Be your own Hero”.  I planted my flag on that hill when I decided to make that the topic of my first public speaking engagement last year.  I’ll share about that in another one of these blogs.

What does it look like to be your own hero?  Well, for me it went like this.  Show up for myself, first, everyday.  Selfish?  I think that depends on your perspective.  If you simply hear “I’m doing me before anyone else”, than yeah, that seems selfish.  What if you looked at it from the airlines perspective?  You know, put on your oxygen mask first so you can help others, because we all know if you aren’t getting oxygen, you are no help to your loved ones or neighbors.  Sounds a little more selfless now, doesn’t it?  I decided to go all in on me, to be my own hero, so that I could show up for those in my life that depend on me with confidence.  My wife and sons, my parents, you name it.  I am in a better place, physically and mentally, and in turn will be better prepared to step up should anyone in my circle need my help.

I am trying to be my own hero every day now, so that I can be the best I am capable of being at any given moment.  Showing up at home, showing up at work for employees and clients, and showing up within my friend networks.  All these things are easier to do if I show up for myself first.

Anyway, I’ll probably circle back to this topic as it develops.  I’m going to put that on a T-shirt one of these days.  BE YOUR OWN HERO. That will be the first of a few ideas I’ve got.  I just need a t-shirt guy.  For now, if you got this far, I appreciate you for reading this.  I encourage you to open your mind to being selfish, to create the best you possible, if it is in fact to be selfless.  


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