Who am I to tell you?

Let's talk struggle. Not the "good for you" type of struggle like lifting heavy weights, learning how to do something difficult, or having a hard conversation. I'm referring to the the kind of struggle that can keep you from not only doing things you need to do, but worse, things you want to do. The kind of struggle, that at its worst could keep you from getting out of bed or force you to give up on something you've dreamed of. Imposter syndrome is defined as " t he persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills". Inability to believe actually seems like too nice a way to define this. Debilitating and sometimes crippling seems a bit more accurate. Imposter syndrome was a prevalent topic in 2 of the groups I spend my time in this past week. Selfishly it is comforting to know that I am not alone with this struggle, but at the sa...